Slate Grey

Slate Grey is a stunning horse with a sleek and elegant coat that resembles the color of slate. With a strong and graceful build, Slate Grey is a versatile and athletic horse that excels in various disciplines. Known for its intelligence and gentle nature, Slate Grey is a beloved companion and a standout in the show ring.

Stormy Grey

Stormy Grey is a strikingly beautiful horse with a sleek grey coat and a fierce, wild spirit. With a mane that flows like a storm cloud and eyes that sparkle like lightning, Stormy Grey is a majestic and powerful creature that commands attention wherever he goes.


Stratus is a majestic and powerful horse with a sleek coat and a gentle demeanor. He is known for his speed and agility, making him a formidable competitor in any race or competition. With a name that evokes images of the sky, Stratus is a symbol of freedom and grace.


Tarka is a spirited and graceful horse with a sleek coat and a strong build. With a playful and curious nature, Tarka loves to explore the great outdoors and is always up for an adventure. This noble steed is a loyal companion and a joy to be around.


Travis is a strong and majestic horse with a gentle demeanor. He is known for his smooth gait and impressive jumping abilities, making him a favorite among riders and spectators alike. His sleek coat and kind eyes make him a beloved member of the stable.


Vapor is a sleek and powerful horse with a mysterious and ethereal presence. With a coat as white as smoke and eyes that seem to pierce through the mist, Vapor is a captivating and enigmatic creature that commands attention wherever he goes.