
Anemone is a spirited and graceful mare with a stunning coat that resembles the vibrant colors of a field of wildflowers. She is known for her gentle nature and elegant movements, making her a favorite among riders and spectators alike.


Cthulhu is a mysterious and powerful horse named after the cosmic entity from H.P. Lovecraft’s mythos. With a dark and enigmatic presence, Cthulhu is a unique and intriguing companion for any rider brave enough to harness its otherworldly energy.

Dark Fury’s Fury

Dark Fury’s Fury is a powerful and intense horse with a fiery spirit. With a sleek black coat and piercing eyes, this horse exudes strength and determination. Its name reflects its fierce and unstoppable nature, ready to conquer any challenge that comes its way.


Demogorgon is a powerful and mysterious horse with a dark and intimidating presence. This majestic creature commands attention with its striking appearance and enigmatic aura. With a name inspired by a mythical creature from folklore, Demogorgon is a force to be reckoned with on the race track or in the show ring.


Empusa is a fierce and powerful horse with a striking appearance. With a name inspired by a mythical creature known for its ability to shape-shift and deceive, Empusa is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield or in the show ring. This horse exudes confidence and strength, making them a formidable competitor in any discipline.

Glacier Bay

Glacier Bay is a majestic and powerful horse, named after the stunning Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska. With a sleek coat that shimmers like ice and a graceful stride that echoes the beauty of its namesake, Glacier Bay is a true symbol of strength and beauty in the animal kingdom.

Lightning’s Fury

Lightning’s Fury is a spirited and powerful horse known for its lightning-fast speed and fierce determination. With a sleek coat and fiery eyes, this majestic creature embodies the raw energy and intensity of a thunderstorm, making it a force to be reckoned with on the racetrack or in the show ring.


Orcus is a majestic and powerful horse with a mysterious aura. With a sleek black coat and piercing eyes, Orcus commands attention wherever he goes. His strength and grace make him a formidable competitor in any equestrian event.


Quartzite is a majestic and strong horse with a shimmering coat that resembles the beautiful quartzite rock. With a graceful gait and a gentle demeanor, Quartzite is a loyal and dependable companion for any rider.

Raven Fury

Raven Fury is a powerful and fierce horse with a sleek black coat and piercing eyes. Known for its speed and agility, this majestic creature strikes fear into the hearts of its competitors on the racetrack or in the show ring. With a name that evokes mystery and strength, Raven Fury is a force to be reckoned with in the world of equestrian sports.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a stunning chestnut mare with a gentle and loving personality. She has a sleek build and a beautiful mane that flows in the wind as she gallops through the fields. Rose Quartz is a graceful and elegant horse, known for her loyalty and affection towards her rider. She is a true gem in the world of horses.


Seychelles is a stunning and graceful horse with a sleek coat and a gentle demeanor. Named after the beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles is known for her elegance and charm. She is a favorite among riders for her smooth gaits and easygoing nature.

Turbo Fury

Turbo Fury is a high-energy and spirited horse known for its lightning-fast speed and fiery temperament. With a sleek and powerful build, this horse is a force to be reckoned with on the racetrack or in the show ring. Its intense drive and determination make it a fierce competitor in any competition.