The Nightmarish Nag

The Nightmarish Nag is a dark and mysterious horse known for its eerie presence and haunting appearance. Its jet black coat and piercing red eyes strike fear into the hearts of those who dare to approach it, earning it a reputation as a creature of nightmares.

The Scare Mare

“The Scare Mare” is a spirited and energetic horse with a mischievous streak. Known for her playful antics and fearless attitude, she keeps her riders on their toes with her unpredictable behavior. Despite her spooky nickname, she is a beloved member of the stable with a loyal following of admirers.

The Unholy Unicorn

The Unholy Unicorn is a mysterious and powerful horse with a dark and mystical aura. With a horn that glows with an eerie light, this mythical creature strikes fear into the hearts of all who encounter it. Its presence is both captivating and unsettling, leaving a sense of unease in its wake.

The Wicked Whipper

“The Wicked Whipper” is a spirited and powerful horse known for its lightning-fast speed and agility on the racetrack. With a fierce determination to win, this horse leaves competitors in its dust as it races towards victory.

The Witching Whipper

The Witching Whipper is a spirited and powerful horse known for its lightning speed and agility on the race track. With a sleek black coat and a fierce determination to win, this horse is sure to cast a spell on all who watch it race.

The Zombie Zephyr

The Zombie Zephyr is a spirited and energetic horse with a mysterious and otherworldly presence. With its sleek black coat and piercing eyes, this horse is a force to be reckoned with on the racetrack or in the show ring. Its name suggests a combination of power, speed, and a hint of the supernatural, making it a truly unforgettable and captivating equine companion.


Vicious is a powerful and spirited horse with a fierce determination and a bold presence. This name reflects his strong and fearless nature, making him a force to be reckoned with in any competition or challenge he faces.