
Jubiloso is a spirited and exuberant horse, known for his joyful and enthusiastic nature. With a name that means “joyful” in Spanish, Jubiloso brings a sense of happiness and excitement wherever he goes. His energetic personality and love for life make him a favorite among both riders and spectators.

Júpiter Negro

Júpiter Negro is a majestic black horse with a powerful presence. With a name that means “Black Jupiter” in Spanish, this horse exudes strength and elegance. His sleek coat and striking appearance make him a standout in any setting.


Kárate is a spirited and energetic horse with a strong and agile build. Known for its speed and grace, Kárate is a skilled and disciplined competitor in various equestrian events. Its name reflects its powerful and precise movements, making it a force to be reckoned with in the arena.


Kilo is a strong and dependable horse with a gentle and friendly demeanor. He is known for his impressive size and powerful build, making him a favorite among riders for his reliability and strength. Whether out on the trail or in the show ring, Kilo is always a standout performer.


Koldo is a majestic and strong horse with a sleek coat and a gentle demeanor. He is known for his loyalty and intelligence, making him a beloved companion for any rider.


Krieger is a strong and noble horse with a fearless spirit. His name, which means “warrior” in German, suits his brave and determined personality. With a sleek coat and powerful build, Krieger is a striking presence in any setting. He is a loyal and dependable companion, always ready to take on any challenge with courage and grace.


Krypton is a powerful and majestic horse with a striking black coat and a fearless spirit. Named after the fictional planet from the Superman comics, this horse is known for its speed, agility, and unwavering strength. With a heart as strong as steel, Krypton is a true champion in the world of equestrian sports.


Lengua is a spirited and elegant horse with a striking black coat and a graceful demeanor. Known for its agility and speed, Lengua is a versatile and skilled equine athlete.


Malagueño is a majestic and powerful horse with a striking presence. With a sleek coat and graceful movements, this horse is known for its agility and strength. Originating from the Malaga region of Spain, Malagueño is a symbol of beauty and elegance in the equestrian world.


Manchego is a strong and elegant horse with a beautiful chestnut coat. Known for his speed and agility, he is a favorite in the show jumping circuit. His graceful movements and powerful strides make him a standout in any competition.


Máximo is a majestic and powerful horse with a sleek black coat and a fiery spirit. He is known for his speed, agility, and unwavering loyalty to his rider. Máximo is a true champion in the show ring and a beloved companion to all who know him.

Máximo Poder

Máximo Poder is a powerful and majestic horse known for its strength and grace. With a name that translates to “Maximum Power” in English, this horse is sure to impress with its speed and agility in any competition or event.


Mono is a sleek and elegant horse with a striking black coat. Known for his speed and agility, Mono is a favorite among riders for his graceful movements and strong presence. With a gentle demeanor and a loyal heart, Mono is a true companion for any equestrian enthusiast.


Montenegro is a majestic and powerful horse with a sleek black coat and a confident demeanor. This elegant steed is known for its speed, agility, and grace, making it a formidable competitor in any equestrian competition. With a strong and noble presence, Montenegro is sure to capture the hearts of all who see him.


Nariz is a striking chestnut horse with a white blaze on his nose. He is known for his graceful movements and strong, powerful build. With a gentle and loyal personality, Nariz is a favorite among riders for his willingness to please and his natural athleticism.