Sassy Frass

Sassy Frass is a spirited and confident horse with a touch of sassiness. She is known for her playful personality and energetic nature, making her a favorite among riders who enjoy a bit of attitude in their equine partner.

Silver Spoon

Silver Spoon is a majestic and elegant horse with a beautiful silver coat. Known for its graceful movements and gentle demeanor, Silver Spoon is a beloved companion and a true beauty to behold.

Sir Gallopsalot

Sir Gallopsalot is a majestic and spirited horse known for his lightning-fast speed and graceful galloping stride. With a regal demeanor and a love for racing, this noble steed is sure to captivate all who witness his impressive skills on the track.

Sir Trot-a-lot

Sir Trot-a-lot is a majestic and elegant horse known for his smooth and graceful trotting gait. With a regal demeanor and a love for trotting, he is a favorite among riders and spectators alike.

The Mane Event

“The Mane Event” is a striking and majestic horse known for its beautiful mane and impressive presence. With a name that captures its show-stopping appearance, this horse is sure to turn heads wherever it goes.

Thoroughbred Fred

Thoroughbred Fred is a spirited and elegant horse known for his speed and grace on the racetrack. With a sleek coat and powerful build, he is a true representation of the classic Thoroughbred breed. His competitive nature and determination make him a force to be reckoned with in any race.

Trigger Happy

Trigger Happy is a spirited and energetic horse who loves to run and play. With a name that reflects his lively personality, he is always ready to hit the trails and bring joy to anyone lucky enough to ride him.

Whinny Cooper

Whinny Cooper is a spirited and graceful horse with a beautiful chestnut coat and a playful personality. Known for her distinctive whinnying sound, she is a favorite among riders for her loyalty and gentle nature.

Whinny the Pooh

Whinny the Pooh is a playful and friendly horse with a love for adventure and exploration. Named after the famous bear, Whinny brings joy and laughter wherever she goes with her cheerful personality and curious nature. She is a beloved companion who is always ready for a new escapade.