Baron von Bridle

Baron von Bridle is a majestic and noble horse with a regal presence. With a name that exudes sophistication and grace, Baron von Bridle is a true aristocrat in the world of horses. His sleek coat and powerful build make him a standout in any crowd, while his gentle demeanor and loyal nature make him a beloved companion to all who know him.

Duke of Hay

Duke of Hay is a majestic and noble horse with a regal presence. Known for his strength and grace, he is a true leader in the stable. His rich chestnut coat and striking mane make him stand out among the rest, earning him the title of Duke. With a love for hay and a gentle disposition, Duke of Hay is a beloved member of the herd.

Earl Grey

Earl Grey is a majestic and elegant horse with a sleek grey coat and a gentle demeanor. He is known for his graceful movements and calm disposition, making him a favorite among riders and spectators alike. With his striking appearance and charming personality, Earl Grey is sure to capture the hearts of all who meet him.

King of the Bridle

‘King of the Bridle’ is a majestic and regal horse who commands attention with his powerful presence and graceful movements. With a strong and noble demeanor, he is a true leader in the world of equestrian sports, reigning supreme in the show ring and capturing the hearts of all who see him.

King of the Saddle

‘King of the Saddle’ is a majestic and powerful horse known for its grace and strength. With a regal presence and a natural talent for riding, this horse is truly deserving of its royal title.

Prince of Horseshoes

‘Prince of Horseshoes’ is a majestic and regal horse known for his impeccable hoof care and skill in horseshoeing. With a noble demeanor and a strong presence, he is a true prince among horses.

Prince of Whinnies

‘Prince of Whinnies’ is a regal and majestic horse known for his graceful movements and powerful presence. With a coat as black as night and a mane that flows like silk, he commands attention wherever he goes. His spirited whinnies can be heard echoing through the fields, earning him the title of royalty among his fellow equines.

Sir Gallops-a-Lot

Sir Gallops-a-Lot is a spirited and energetic horse who loves to run and gallop freely. With a playful and adventurous spirit, he is always eager to explore new trails and show off his impressive speed and agility.

Sir Trot-a-lot

Sir Trot-a-lot is a majestic and elegant horse known for his smooth and graceful trotting gait. With a regal demeanor and a love for trotting, he is a favorite among riders and spectators alike.