Duchess of Haystacks

Duchess of Haystacks is a majestic and elegant horse with a regal presence. She is known for her graceful movements and beautiful coat, resembling a true queen of the pasture. Her name reflects her noble nature and her love for grazing in the fields of golden haystacks.

Duchess of Manehattan

Duchess of Manehattan is a regal and elegant horse with a sophisticated demeanor. She commands attention with her graceful movements and stunning appearance, embodying the essence of royalty in the world of horses.

Lady Canterlot DeVere

Lady Canterlot DeVere is a majestic and elegant horse with a regal presence. With a graceful canter and a noble demeanor, she exudes sophistication and charm wherever she goes. Her name reflects her aristocratic lineage and her impeccable breeding, making her a standout in any equestrian setting.

Mr. Haybale

Mr. Haybale is a strong and dependable horse with a playful and mischievous personality. He loves nothing more than rolling around in the hay and munching on his favorite treats. With a shiny coat and a friendly demeanor, Mr. Haybale is a beloved member of the stable and always ready for a good gallop through the fields.

Mr. Haymaker

Mr. Haymaker is a strong and powerful horse with a knack for delivering swift and powerful blows during competitions. With a sleek coat and a determined spirit, he is a force to be reckoned with in the show ring.

Mr. Spots McGee

Mr. Spots McGee is a playful and energetic horse with a unique coat pattern of spots. He loves to gallop through fields and show off his flashy markings to anyone who will watch. With a charming personality and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Mr. Spots McGee is sure to capture the hearts of all who meet him.

Princess Hayley

Princess Hayley is a regal and elegant horse with a beautiful coat and graceful movements. She is known for her gentle nature and loving personality, making her a favorite among riders and caretakers alike. With a name fit for royalty, Princess Hayley is truly a majestic and beloved member of the stable.

Princess Prance

Princess Prance is a regal and elegant mare known for her graceful movements and spirited personality. With a flowing mane and a confident stride, she captivates all who see her as she prances through the fields with the poise of royalty.

Sir Buck-a-Lot

Sir Buck-a-Lot is a spirited and powerful horse with a playful personality. He loves to buck and leap with joy, earning him the nickname “Buck-a-Lot.” Despite his energetic nature, he is also a noble and regal companion, worthy of his title of “Sir.”

Sir Gallops-a-Lot

Sir Gallops-a-Lot is a spirited and energetic horse who loves to run and gallop freely. With a playful and adventurous spirit, he is always eager to explore new trails and show off his impressive speed and agility.

Sir Neighs-a-Little

Sir Neighs-a-Little is a playful and spirited horse who loves to vocalize his thoughts with a charming little neigh. With a regal title and a mischievous personality, this horse is sure to bring laughter and joy to all who meet him.

Sir Nickerdoodle

Sir Nickerdoodle is a playful and spirited horse with a mischievous streak. Known for his charming personality and love of treats, he is a favorite among riders and caretakers alike. His striking appearance and unique name make him stand out in any crowd.

Sir Trot-a-lot

Sir Trot-a-lot is a majestic and elegant horse known for his smooth and graceful trotting gait. With a regal demeanor and a love for trotting, he is a favorite among riders and spectators alike.

Sir Whinny-a-Lot

Sir Whinny-a-Lot is a playful and vocal horse who loves to express himself through his whinnies and neighs. With a charming personality and a knack for making his presence known, Sir Whinny-a-Lot is sure to bring joy and laughter to anyone lucky enough to be around him.